Arptels' SS7 dialer makes can now natively connect to any switch supporting ITU-T SS7 ISUP signaling. It can make Voice calls, Modem calls (Speeds up to V.90), Group 3 fax calls (Speeds up to V.34, 33,6kbps) and pure 64k unrestricted calls to verify all type of traffics.
Arptel ISDN Dialer
Arptels' ISDN dialer makes TCS the world’s fastest true LCR validator. It can make Voice calls, Modem calls (Speeds up to V.90), Group 3 fax calls (Speeds up to V.34, 33,6kbps) and pure 64k unrestricted calls to verify all type of traffics.
Arptel VoIP Dialer
Arptels' VoIP dialer makes TCS to be a VoIP validator. It can make Voice calls, T.30 Group 3 fax calls (Speeds up to 14.4kbps) and T.38 Real-time fax over IP to verify all type of traffic.
Arptel Analog Dialer
Arptels' analog dialer can be used when not other option is available. It can make Voice calls, Modem calls (Speeds up to V.90), Group 3 fax calls (Speeds up to V.34, 33,6kbps) and pure 64k unrestricted calls to verify all type of traffics.
Arptel GSM Dialer
Arptels' GSM dialer makes TCS a true GSM end-end tester. It can make Voice calls, Modem calls, Group 3 fax calls and pure GPRS sessions to verify all type of traffics.
Arptel Quad Probe
Arptels' new non-intrusive quad E1/T1/J1 probe will monitor both signalling and voice quality with local processing of protocols and voice quality measurement.